Monday, September 30, 2013

Avoiding Mergers

This photo falls in the "avoiding mergers" category because there are building blocking the catastrophes   happening at the twin towers, so it takes away the main point of this photo and its focus.


The framing in this photo is created by the bridge in the top right and they ocean coastline at the bottom. These two object help create a frame that focus on the city, and the tragedy that's happening within it.


In this photo, there is balance because the three girls are all of equal size, and by connecting imaginary lines between them they create a simple geometric shape (triangle).


The lines in this photo created by the windows of the twin towers help lead the eye to focus on the falling man. This helps reveal the difficult decisions victims of the 9/11 attack had to face; falling to their death or burning to death.

The Rule of Thirds

In this photo, it displays the rule of thirds by placing the firefighter in the bottom right position, and giving him a path from which he walked to get away from the smoking debris from the collaption of the twin towers.


This photo is a good example of simplicity because is shows one of the twin towers smoking from the impact of the airplane with the plain blue sky as its backdrop. This helps create the focus the photographer was looking for on the beginning of the collapse of the twin towers.

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

The main points of the story is to tell and show how photo manipulation in wrong and the side effects to it. Although some intentions of photo manipulation is to be good it is very wrong. It is wrong because it is a false statement, and it leads people to believe something that is not true which can lead to terrible side effects.

This photo of Oprah is very unethical because they took her face and put it on Ann Margaret's body to make her look more appealing and attractive. This is unethical because the editors are pretty much insulting Oprah by putting her head on a skinnier persons body implying that they don't think she is attractive enough, and also because it shouldn't matter what shape of size you are because everyone is created different and beautifully.

I think this photo is the least unethical because it isn't really an insult to anyone, and the editors of the cover are just trying to get more than one pyramid to fit on the cover. It also isn't really stating anything false about the pyramids or it isn't changing it in any shape of form.